Continuum of Care Quarterly Agency Meeting - January 30
Continuum of Care Quarterly Agency Meeting
Jefferson County Housing Authority office in Tarrant, at 3700 Industrial Parkway, Birmingham.
Why Attend:
Your agency is a partner, and therefore your attendance is required. At this meeting, we will be discussing some very important issues pertaining to the Continuum of Care Program, so your attendance is very important. Applicants must meet income and homelessness guidelines.
What to Bring:
(1) Referrals for homeless persons, who are living on the street, in shelters, or currently in transitional housing programs for the homeless. Eligible persons must be diagnosed as chronic substance abusers, severely mentally ill, or HIV+. At the time you make the referral, the client must be eligible.
Quarterly Agency Match:
(2) Fourth Quarter, October - December Match due: January 31th on current (housed) CoC participants. The match report must be submitted no later than January 31st in order for new applicants to be accepted.
We look forward to seeing you January 30, 2018.