April 2025 Bessemer Calendar
Terrace Manor I & II/Oak Ridge Apartments
Mail Rent and Other Payments To: JCHA P.O. Box 1507, Bessemer, AL 35021
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Mon-Thurs
Maintenance Emergency # - After Hours (5:00 PM)/Holidays & Weekends: (205) 426-8950
Felicia Sanders, Property Manager: (205) 426-8948
Rowena Gamble, Assistant Property Manager: (205) 426-8950
Thought for the Month
"The secret of happiness you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less." - Socrates
Rent Payments:
Your rent becomes due on the first (1st) day of the month. If not paid by the ninth (9th) day of the month you will be charged a $25 late fee. Beginning the tenth (10th day) of the month unless the 9th or 10th runs on a weekend or holiday. It will be posted on the next business day. When paying your rent, you MUST include an additional $25 to cover the late fee. After the 10th day if your rent is not paid including the $25.00 late fee you will receive a RED lease termination notice which states you have thirty (30) days to pay your rent and any other charges due. If the rent and other charges including late fee is not paid when the 30 days are up, your lease is terminated. If you have not moved out at the end of the 30 days eviction documents will be sent to our attorney's office authorizing the attorney to go before a judge in a court of law to seek judgement for a court order to allow the Authority to take back possession of the unit and order, you to move out. The attorney will notify you regarding the eviction and court date. You may choose to appear or not. After the court ordered judgment for possession you may receive a notice from the deputy sheriff only a few days before return to complete your eviction by removing your personal items from the unit. The first step to avoid any of the above is to pay your rent on time; that includes mailing it several days in advance to avoid being received late. MAKE MONEY ORDER OUT TO JCHA. Mail to: JCHA P.O. Box 1507 Bessemer, AL. 35021. Be sure it is filled out and filled in CORRECTLY. Always sign your check or money order even if the money order has no signature line ON FRONT! Always sign at the extreme lowest space on the bottom right-hand side. DO NOT SIGN THE BACK!!! Remember, once you mail it you don't have control over when it will be delivered, and the Housing Authority doesn't have control of it until we receive it!
Recertification and Interims
Please call the management office to schedule appointments when notified to do so about your annual recertification or when you need to report changes regarding an increase or decrease in income or when there is a change in your family composition - (a child moving out or a newborn baby).
Lease Violations
- Poor House Keeping
- Rent is due every month-not every two months, if not paid your account will go to attorney after the first month.
- Roach Infestation, if one roach is found in your apartment "dead or alive" that is considered infestation. We will work on this together. (I now understand that some apartments need work)
- Community Service hours are due every month. Not every 3-12 months. 8 Hours per Month. Your lease will not be renewed if you have not fulfilled all 96 hours of community service. Falsifying hours is a lease violation and could lead to termination of your subsidy. If you are a community service participate, please contact Mrs. Sanders @ 205-426-8948 to check your status.
Community Service
All residents required to do community service must turn in their completed forms each month between the 1st and 9th of the month-for the previous month. For example, community service hours completed in October must be turned into the management office between the 1st and 9th of November. You can deliver your forms by walk-in, or emailed to: fsanders2@jcha.com or rgamble@jcha.com Anyone needing additional forms can pick them up at the management office.
Pet Policy
Section I- Paragraph I(g): All authorized pets must be under the control of an adult. An unleased pet, or one tied to a fixed object, is not considered to be under the control of an adult. Pets which are unleashed or leashed and unattended on HA property may be impounded and taken to the local Humane Society. It shall be the responsibility of the tenant to reclaim the pet at the expense of the tenant. Pets are not to be tied, scrapped of any kind or for any reason and left outside alone at ANY TIME! This is a Lease/Pet Policy violation and will be handle accordingly.
Section I-Paragraph 6: The tenant is solely responsible for cleaning up the waste of the pet within the dwelling and on the premises of the public housing development. If the pet is taken outside it must be on a leash at all times. If there is any visible waste by the pet it must be disposed of in a plastic bag, securely tied and placed in the garbage receptacle for your the unit.
INOPERABLE, FLAT TIRES, NO TAG, ABANDON, JACKED/PROPED UP AND EXPIRED TAGS will be towed off the property within 48 hours (2 days). The cost to recover the vehicle will be at the owner's expense.
Trash cans are to be pulled back to the unit after trash pickup on Friday. All trash cans on curb on Monday will be charged $25.00 noncompliance.
LARGE furniture pick-ups are TUESDAY mornings starting at 7:00 AM. Please do not put any furniture out until MONDAY evening. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Get renter's insurance for any unforeseen incidents or accidents. Protect yourself and your personal property.
April 2025 Bessemer Calendar
April 1st Rent Due!, April Fool's Day!
April 3rd Inspections/Filter & Pest Control TERRACE MANOR I & II
April 4th Office Closed, Garbage Pick-Up
April 8th Discard LARGE Furniture Day Pickup
April 10th Rent Late! $25 Late Fee Charged, Inspections/Filter & Pest Control OAK RIDGE
April 11th Office Closed, Garbage Pick-Up
April 15th Discard LARGE Furniture Day Pickup
April 18th Office Closed, Garbage Pick-Up
April 20th Happy Easter
April 22nd Discard LARGE Furniture Day Pickup
April 25th Office Closed, Garbage Pick-Up
April 29th Discard LARGE Furniture Day Pickup