Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)
Watch this video to learn about the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program
What is the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program?
The Family Self-Sufficiency Program is a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) initiative developed to enable the families of public housing and the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program become economically self-sufficient and less dependent upon governmental assistance.
FSS is a five (5) year voluntary program designed to connect participating families with available community resources to assist them with becoming self-sufficient.
Who is eligible to participate in the FSS Program?
Families who either receive housing assistance under the HCV program administered by JCHA, or who are residents in JCHA’s public housing communities are eligible to participate in the program.
What are some of the benefits of the program?
- Credit repair counseling
- Pre-homeownership counseling
- Career planning
- Money management/budgeting skills training
- Use of HCV towards homeownership, if certain criteria is met
- Escrow account benefits
- Job training referrals
To obtain more information, call or email Bob Kellum at (205) 244-1383 or Lynn Baxter at (205) 244-1280. For your convenience the FSS Application and Information Update forms are available below to view & print.