Welcome to JCHA's Housing Choice Voucher Program. This tenant-based program assists low income families in locating safe, decent, and affordable housing in the private market by offering assistance payments directly to the owner on behalf of the family. The subsidy remains with the family; it is not attached to the dwelling unit. The amount of subsidy is based on the family's income and household composition.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program is designed to achieve four major objectives:
- To provide improved living conditions for low and very low-income families while maintaining their rent payments at an affordable level;
- To promote freedom of housing choice and integrate lower-income and minority families into mainstream society;
- To provide decent, safe, and affordable housing for eligible participants; and
- To provide an incentive to private property owners to rent to lower-income families by offering timely assistance payments.
The landlord plays a key role in meeting the objectives of the Housing Choice Voucher Program. The Housing Choice Voucher Program Partnership link explains the landlord, the tenant, and JCHA’s role in making the Housing Choice Voucher Program successful.
- Want to know more about the Landlord Program? Please click here to visit the News post with the Landlord Orientation Video.
- To discover the HCV Landlord Performance Toolkit: Your One-Stop Web Page for All Your Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) & Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program's Needs, please click here to visit HUD's HCV Landlord Resources page.
List of Available Landlords (as of 10/2024)
Vendor Name - Phone Number
Acoff Sr. Roosevelt 205-965-8622; 205-424-6358 (fax)
Adams, Bonnie 949-813-9566
A to Z Rentals (Bridgett) 205-276-1590
All South Properties 205-942-5306
Barrington Parc Apartments 205-640-5770
Barrington Real Estate 205-841-5593
Branch at Carson Springs Apartments 205-854-2266
Brewer, Simon 205-218-6380
Brooks, Jeffrey D. 205-368-2141
Candy Mountain Apartments 205-854-6000
Carriage Lane Enterprises, LLC 205-901-2945
Carson Crest Apartments 205-854-0411
Carson Landing Apartments 205-856-2526
Coleman, Charlene 205-746-9884
Coleman, Joyce 205-856-9639
Complete Property Management 205-610-9230
Continental Realty 205-251-5911
CST Properties, LLC 205-542-8613
Dickey, Dorothy/Freddie 205-781-3074
Diversified Realty Investments 205-862-4059
Epic Company 205-595-1701
Eslami, Mohammed 205-936-3385
Fowler, Tim 205-908-3480
Frank Poe Real Estate 205-426-3773
Guy, Kyle 205-283-0812
Honeycutt, Mike 205-541-6441
House, Charles 205-276-5714
Hubbard Properties 205-320-6203
Hutton, Gail 205-979-9854
James Companies 205-823-7130
Johnson, Ronald 205-356-8600
Joseph, Jan 205-492-0310
Kim, David 205-902-5754; 205-608-0369
Livingston Oaks 205-856-0233
Maddox Properties 205-617-6635
Magnolia Court 205-854-2520
McDaniel, Jr. Willie 615-772-4007
Mickens, Phillip 205-823-1247
Miljus, George 205-790-2279
Monroe Ave. Apartments 205-781-1715
Moore, Ada & Earl 205-252-4560
Mountainside Apartments 205 882-3511
Myers Family Properties 205-322-0058
Norfleet, Virgie 205-240-2671
Parkway Realty 205-854-8490
Partners Construction & Investment 205-841-9757
Pender, Jerry 205-229-3267
Perry, Allen 205-223-4872
Ray, Susan 205-529-1485
Real Estate Practitioners 205-833-3006
Realty 4 U, Inc. 205-854-5224
Richardson, Nathan 205-410-1819
Rodgers, Ralph 205-788-4436
RRR Investment Group, LLC 954-629-9778
Ryles, Debbie 205 853-1668
Semaan Realty 205-970-8595
Shaikh Management - Zack 205-601-6091
Sharpe, Michael 205-896-5511
Shirley, Rickey 205-853-1668
Shirley, Roger & Debbie 205-965-5086
Shunnarah, Ricky 205-222-3606
Sirmans, Realty 205-923-6300
Sirmons, Brenda 205-223-2270
Straate, Mark 205-441-9841
Tax Associates 205-251-9013
Taylor's Creative Homes 205-853-1668
Titusville Development Corp. 205-252-5526
Tutwiler Realty 205-251-3780
U - V
Vulcan Properties 205-291-8526
Waddy, Curtis E 205-903-8785
Wehby, Michael 205-328-7808
Williams, Michelle 205-901-0379
Wingo, Greg 205-936-4459
Winston, Charles 205-956-6482
Y - Z