Project-Based Vouchers
Attachment D
Jefferson County Housing Authority
Annual Agency Plan
Fiscal Year 01/01/2022 - 12/31/2022
Project-Based Vouchers
The Jefferson County Housing Authority (JCHA) may project-base a portion of its Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers (not to exceed **20% of the funding available for JCHA's HCV program). Seventy-four (74) vouchers have already been project-based.
The properties will be located somewhere within the jurisdiction of JCHA. If any of the locations about to be selected by the JCHA are found to be in a census tract with poverty rates of more than 20 percent, the Housing Authority will seek an exception from HUD.
This action is consistent with the Agency Plan in the following ways:
- It expands the supply of assisted housing
- It increases assisted housing choices
- It conducts outreach efforts to potential voucher landlord participants
It is also consistent with the most recent Consolidated Plan of the State of Alabama. There are several references throughout the Consolidated Plan citing the shortage of affordable housing, and specifically shortage of rental housing, in the jurisdiction.
JCHA will select PBV proposals by any of the following three (3) methods, as consistent with 24 CFR 983.51:
(1) PHA request for PBV Proposals. The PHA may not limit proposals to a single site or impose restrictions that explicitly or practically preclude owner submission of proposals for PBV housing on different sites.
(2) The PHA may select proposals that were previously selected based on a competition. This may include selection of a proposal for housing assisted under a federal, state, or local government housing assistance program that was:
Subject to a competition in accordance with the requirements of the applicable program, community development program, or supportive services program that requires competitive selection of proposals (e.g., HOME units); and
where the proposal has been selected in accordance with such program's competitive selection requirements within three years of the PBV proposal selection date; and
where the earlier competitive selection proposal did not involve any consideration that the project would receive PBV assistance.
(3) Housing Authorities may select PHA-owned units as allowed in the January 18, 2017 Federal Register, titled Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016: Implementation of Various Section 8 Voucher Provisions. If JCHA selects this option, it will comply with all requirements under this regulation (and/or any ensuing HUD guidance).
JCHA will consider existing housing, newly constructed housing, and rehabilitated housing.
JCHA may partner with local agencies (e.g., agencies that serve disabled families, mental health service agencies, etc.) to provide vouchers to their clients.
JCHA's Section 8 Administrative Plan includes the HUD-required language related to Project-Based Vouchers.
**As permitted under the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA), the 20% cap as noted on page 1 can be increased by an additional 10% in the following circumstances:
- The units are specifically made available to house individuals and families that meet the definition of homeless under section 103 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11302), and contained in the Continuum of Care Interim Rule at 24 CFR 578.3.
- The units are specifically made available to house families that are comprised of or include a veteran. A veteran is an individual who has served in the United States armed forces other than those dishonorably discharged.
The units provide supportive housing to persons with disabilities or to elderly persons. The definitions of a person with disabilities and an elderly person are found at 24 CFR 5.403. Supportive housing means that the project makes supportive services available for all of the assisted families in the project and provides a range of services tailored to the needs of the residents occupying such housing.
JCHA will include in any project-based solicitation contemplating the use of this exception a requirement that the available services be listed and described in the response to the solicitation. Such supportive services need not be provided by the owner or on-site, but must be reasonably available to the families receiving PBV assistance in the project. The JCHA will not require participation as a condition of living in an excepted unit, although such services will be offered.
- The units are located in a census tract with a poverty rate of 20 percent or less, as determined in the most recent American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates.
If the JCHA wishes to add PBV units under this exception authority, it will submit all required information to the Field Office, and identify the exception category (or categories) for which JCHA will project-base additional units (up to an additional 10 percent above the normally applicable PBV program limitation) and the specific number of units that qualify under the exception category.
PBV units may only be covered by this 10 percent exception authority if the PBV HAP contract was first executed on or after April 18, 2017.
The JCHA will comply with all requirements as outlined in the HOTMA.