AdministrationContinuum of Care StaffFamily Self-Sufficiency (FSS) StaffFinanceJCHA Housing and Development Corp. StaffMaintenance StaffModernization, Dev. and Capital Funds StaffProperty ManagersSection 8 Staff
Section 8 Staff
Shundria Keye - Supervisor - Section 8
Kim McKinney - Lead Occupancy Specialist
Barbara Carson - Occupancy Specialist - Section 8
Jazzmine Dill - Occupancy Specialist - Section 8
Jami Gatson - Occupancy Specialist - Section 8
LaShaun Hunter-Brown - Occupancy Specialist - Section 8
Bob Kellum - Occupancy Specialist - Section 8
Allison Mose - Occupancy Specialist - Section 8
Samantha Robinson - Occupancy Specialist - Section 8